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About Warcraft-Stats


Warcraft-stats is a statistical web downloader and analyser for Warcraft III TFT, which downloads data for solo/ffa game types from the internet and generates statistical information on users.

Requirements:- Internet connection. Windows Operating system (tested on Win98 and WinXP).

Generating Stats:- Click the update button and select the parameters for download.

Warcraft-Stats screens:-

  • General - General overall stats and hero stats.
  • Players - Player list with stats.
  • Individual - Individual stats for players in the player list. Shows wins / losses against specific players.
  • Detail - Detailed game by game stats.
  • Adjustments - Alterations to statistics.

Use the tabs to navigate. Double clicking a player in the players list will move to the individual list for that player. Right-double clicking will remove that player from the statistics. Double clicking an opponent on the individual tab will change to that player, double clicking the player again will change to the details tab. Right-double clicking heroes will remove the hero from the statistics. Right-double clicking a removed player or hero in adjustments will re-instate that player or hero into the statistics.

Saving:- Statistics can be saved as wcs files.


  • 1.0 It never finishes downloading from the web.:
    This is a long process. Try limiting the parameters.

Bugs:- Describe the bug to and I'll see what I can do. Please don't expect a reply although I will try to address the bug in any future versions.


About Console-Stats


Console-stats is a parser for counter-strike v.1.6 that allows text files created through the condump command to be loaded and parsed to generate statistical information on users in a counter-strike session.

Requirements:- Half-Life with Counter-Strike mod (tested on v.1.6). Windows Operating system (tested on WinXP, Win98 and Win2000).

Generating condump files:- At any point in a counter-strike game pull down the console and type "condump". You will be told a file has been generated in your cs directory. You will need to generate several of these files over a session as the console can only contain a certain amount of lines. Condump files are simply text lists of everything currently in your console.

Generating Stats:- Run Console-stats and load up the text files generated through the condump command. Stats will be generated and shown. Try to load all files generated for the session at once since all lines before a 'console is dumped to' line are ignored since the application will try to append that data in from the file in question.

Console-Stats screens:-

  • General - General overall stats and gun stats.
  • Players - Player list with stats. CT = counter-terrorists, T = Terrorists, HS = headshots, Efficiency = ratio of kills to deaths.
  • Individual - Individual stats for players in the player list. Shows kills / deaths for a specific player.
  • Sessions - Sessions indicate the condump files used to generate the information. One session should be one round but may be made up of several condump files because of the need to generate them so frequently.
  • Adjustments - Alterations to statistics - you can set minimum efficiency, kills, 'no headshots', and remove players.

Navigating:- Use the tabs to navigate. Double clicking a player in the players list will move to the individual list for that player. Right-double clicking will remove that player from the statistics. Double clicking an opponent on the individual tab will change to that player, double clicking a gun will move to the general gun list. On the sessions list right-double click to remove a session, double click to show just that session, and double click again to put all sessions back. Right-double clicking a gun on the general tab will remove that gun from the statistics. Double-right clicking a removed player or gun in adjustments will re-instate that player or gun into the statistics.

Saving:- Statistics can be saved as csf files. Saved files will NOT contain removed players, guns or sessions.


  • 1.0 I try to load over 200 files but nothing happens:
    This seems to be a limit for the application. However you can save those files as 1 csf file and then load that with the others to get as many as you want in.
  • 1.1 No data appears when loading files even though I can see kills in there.
    The application will dump 'kills' if it can't determine which team players are on. A condump file with a few 'player joined team' lines in should be ok. The application will ignore all data before a 'console is dumped to' line as well since it is expecting to have multiple text files for a session loaded at once.
  • 1.2 The data is incorrect.
    Remember the application can only figure data out from whatever was in the console. If you joined a game near the end and typed 'condump' the console would not have contained any of the previous kills before you joined.
  • 1.3 Some parts of names or guns are incorrect.
    For some reason the console in 1.6 sometimes mispells, or doesn't put spaces into lines. Fix the line in the condump text file and the program will read it correctly.

Bugs:- Please e-mail the log files, and describe the bug to and I'll see what I can do. Please don't expect a reply although I will try to address the bug in any future versions.